OBJECTIVE Electrical and Electronics/Industrial Automation R&D
SUMMARY Seeking a research and development position in the field of electronics and automation. Experienced in managing and developing ground-breaking automation projects. Traveled to Indonesia, Senegal, and Iran to install and implement products. Best described as adaptable, innovative, hard-working, and solutions oriented.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Produced specific automation devices for one of the world’s leading cigarette companies, Phillip Morris Imperial. For each project, played an active role in the preparation of electric-electronic automation panels, from the research and development stage all the way to assemblage, installation, and implementation. Analyzed theoretical and practical problems (inappropriate component choices, faulty application), reviewing and reconstructing the project. Examined the behaviors of sensors used most frequently in industrial automation projects and managed the montage processes for the company’s projects. Discovered a bug in the carton stacker machine and label applicator used by Delta PLC, and corrected it. Worked with Siemens Fire Detection and Warning Systems. Used with more than 20 devices, including smoke, heat, combine (heat + smoke), light, flame, gas, and gas extinguishing systems. Gained experience in working with a variety of devices for different projects, and developed problem solving skills and project development for varying conditions. Attended a one-month long Electromagnetic Distance Measurement Technician certification course, involving both theory and application. Training included traveling to a base station, collecting data using the radiation measurement device, and preparing a report using this information. Passed the final exam with a score of 85 and earned the certificate.
Applied technical skills to develop a Solar Tracker. Researched renewable energy systems and constructed the tracker to understand the system’s working logical processes. Gathered components, studied theoretical sources, practical applications, embedded systems, functional and object orientated information. Produced a 2 axis, embedded systems-based solar tracker with manual and automatic running modes and mobile software controls. Designed a small automation project for own home using microcontroller PLC programming. The project included water-level, smoke, gas detection and a magnetic door thief detection system.
WORK HISTORY Enka Agriculture and Husbandry LLC 2008-2011 R&D Director Abs Alarm and Computer Systems Company 2012-2015 Electrical and Electronics Technician/Siemens Fire Alarms Expert TechnoGate Industrial Specific Machinery 2015-2016 R&D Director
EDUCATION/SPECIAL SKILLS Associate Degree, Biomedical Equipment Technology, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey 2003-2005 B.S. Faculty of Business Administration, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey 2007-2011 Computing Skills – Windows, MS (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), Proteus PCB Design (Ares-Isis), Corel Draw, Photoshop, Delta PLC (WPLSoft), Teco PLC SG2 Software.
CERTIFICATES Fire Alarm Systems (Siemens) 2012 Electromagnetic Distance Measurement Technician (IT Foundation) 2012